At the first sign of trouble, these soldiers are sent out to fight. If the immune system is vigilant, the war will be won. If not, the body will succumb to disease. When the immune system is compromised, parasites and yeast are able to enter the bloodstream quite easily. They thrive inside of us and multiply quickly. Should they actually make their home there, “dis-ease” is sure to follow. These hosts steal vitamins and minerals, even calcium from our bones, which is vital to our health. Over time bones & teeth can become weak, allowing osteoporosis to set in. Most illnesses have an underlying yeast condition.
Common Symptoms of Yeast & Candidas include:
•Frequent colds
•Brain Fog
•Inability To Concentrate
•Mood Swings.
Yeast and parasites go hand in hand — if you have one, you most likely have the other. Both thrive on sugar and enjoy living in an oxygen deprived, acidic body. To keep the immune system strong, you must keep the body slightly alkaline (PH 7.0 – 7.5) and keep oxygen levels high. Oxygen can be obtained by eating living foods, as well as exercising and meditating on a regular basis. The red blood cells are responsible for transporting this oxygen and other vital nutrients throughout the body.
If there is any residue or “sludge” from toxic wastes such as medications, excess fats and sugars or heavy metals from fish, fluoridated water, etc., proper oxygen exchange within the cells is impeded. This residue eventually turns to acid and leaves you susceptible to disease. In order to remove debris from the blood, you need to remove it from your diet.
Dairy and other foods that turn into sugar or are high in sugar top the list of offenders that create unwanted acid and inflammation. Milk and its derivatives are also mucolytic, which means they create mucous in the body. This inflammatory response affects the stomach, joints, intestines and sinuses. It even affects the stickiness of your cells. Other highly acid-forming/inflammatory consumables include all meat, eggs, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and coffee.
Blood is an incredible liquid! It is cleansing, hydrating and nourishing. Without it we cannot survive. Our bodies know exactly what to do to regenerate and heal, all we have to do is treat it with kindness and give it the tools it needs to do its perfect work.