Here are some instructions on how to use baking soda effectively at night
When brushing: Wet your toothbrush and dip it into the baking soda. After brushing, your teeth should feel smooth. When rinsing: Add about a teaspoon of baking soda in a small glass of water. Swish it around in your mouth and spit out.
When flossing: Dissolve a small amount of baking soda in water and fill your irrigation instrument. If you're using a WaterPik, make sure it doesn't dry up because it will cause buildup that renders the instrument useless. Always keep water in your irrigation tool and store it upside-down in a glass of baking soda and water. The presence of baking soda will help stop the proliferation of pathogens. Drain it all out and rinse thoroughly with water once every week.
In the morning, I recommend you use toothpaste that contains calcium and phosphate salts, or hydroxyapatite, which can restore minerals to your teeth. Also, make sure it has no fluoride and you can even make one from scratch.
The key to treating and preventing chronic bad breath is to determine its root cause and address it head on. Optimizing your gut flora with probiotics will also go a long way in preventing halitosis, as it strengthens your immune system and balances the population of bacteria in your gut. Also, work on upholding optimal oral health practices to prevent plaque buildup and odor-producing microbes from proliferating in your mouth. Like using a Tongue Scraper before brushing (pictured in photo above and below).
Health Benefits of a Tongue Scraper
If we don’t scrape away these toxins, they get reabsorbed by the body and can lead to respiratory difficulties, digestive problems, and a compromised immune system.
Dental research has concluded that a tongue scraper is more effective at removing toxins and bacteria from the tongue than a toothbrush. Although brushing and flossing will loosen and move debris around, they do not actually remove the bacteria.
Almost half of our oral bacteria live on and in the deep crevices of our tongue; the scraping action of a tongue scraper collects these toxic tongue coatings (which can range in color from clear, white, yellow, or green) and removes them from the body. Tongue scraping is something that I recommend everyone to do on a regular basis (night/day). It is a simple thing that doesn’t take much time but is often over looked. There are a number of good reasons to make tongue scraping part of your daily routine.
☆Benefits of tongue scraping
Helps your Body Detox: While you sleep you bodies digestive system works to detoxify your body. Toxins throughout the day build up on the tongue. When you scrape your tongue you remove those toxins from your body, which improves the effectiveness of your digestive system.
Better Oral Health: When you remove bacteria and toxins from the tongue you prevent things like cavities, plaque-build up & gum disease.
Better Breath: A tongue scraper can clean all the hard to reach areas of the back of the tongue, where bacteria can develop which results in bad breath.
Better Ability to taste the flavors of your food: After using a tongue scraper, the film of toxins is cleared off of your taste buds allowing your foods to taste better.
Many of you might be thinking that you brush your tongue, so isn’t that good enough. The answer is NO, if you don’t believe me then try a tongue scraper after brushing your tongue and you will see for yourself.
When you clean your tongue with your toothbrush, you are basically just moving the bacteria, food debris, and toxins around and aside from staying on your tongue, they can actually get onto your toothbrush and then you end up putting them right back in your mouth the next time you brush.
☆How to scrape your tongue
This Ayurvedic daily routine for maintaining oral health should be done on a regular basis, in the morning upon rising, and on an empty stomach. A tongue scraper is a long, thin, flat piece of metal that is bent in a “U” shape.
Standing in front of a mirror, you scrape your tongue by simply holding the two ends of the scraper in both hands, sticking out your tongue, and placing the scraper as far back on you tongue as possible. With firm but gentle pressure, scrape the surface of your tongue in one long stroke. I also scrape the insides of my cheeks. Rinse the scraper and repeat until your tongue feels clean and is free of coating (usually 5 to 10 times). I soak my scraper & toothbrush in food grade hydrogen peroxide to clean it before next use.
☆Where to buy a tongue scraper?
Tongue scrapers are inexpensive, and can be found at most health food stores as well as online. Chose a stainless steel scraper because they are easier to clean and are ideal for balancing for all Ayurvedic constitutions and imbalances. In a pinch, the side of a metal spoon can be effective.
My favorite one to use is Dr. Tung ( as I researched many and this is the one I found to be the best for me. It costs $7.00 retail on their website.