1. Add minced onion (red or white) to your shampoo. Let stand for fifteen days and use the shampoo regularly. Not only will it accelerate hair growth but it will give your hair glacial shine.
2. Grape seed oil, Castor oil, Olive oil, and Wheat Germ oil is believed to enhance hair growth. Give your scalp a massage using these oil before bedtime. Massage scalp deeply using a clockwise circular motion with your favorite hair oil mixture, place a hot wet towel over the head for 30 minutes or more. Leave oil on all night (cover pillow case with a thick towel so you do not stain the pillow). Wash hair with Pine Tar soap or a bio-degradable soap in the morning.
3. Before going to bed at night wash your hair. Tie your hair in two braids or big twists while it’s still wet. Sleep with the braids all night on a satin pillow case or wearing a satin bonnet or satin scarf over your hair. Repeat the following night. After two or three days, you will notice that your hair is longer due to non-breakage and hair movement during your sleep cycle.
4. Cut three aloe vera leaves and scrape off the gel. Mix the gel with a few drops of therapeutic grade cinnamon essential oil & 2 Tbsps of raw honey (you can use Aloe Vera only and leave out the cinnamon & honey), and massage it into the scalp. Let it work for 20 minutes or leave overnight & rinse.
5. A daily rinse with rosemary water or rose water will make hair grow faster. You can buy rose water in the spray bottle and spray your hair generously after you shower.