The most poisonous thing to a fellowship of believers…
Gossip kills the mind, body, and soul. It kills the heart, too. Especially a relationship. Gossip is deadly. It destroys trust between people and therefore kills friendships. If left alone it can cripple ministries and destroy good leaders.
Most of us know how much it hurts to be talked about behind our backs, the damage it can do to a community, and how much it grieves God, but so many still get caught up in it.
I am also guilty of getting caught up in gossip without even thinking it is gossip until the CONVICTION tugs at my heart strings later & because I still struggle with gossip… It was heavy on my heart to post about it when I heard a sermon about it this morning on KWave.
There are many descriptions for the tongue: Wicked, Deceitful, Lying, Perverse, Filthy, Corrupt, Bitter, Angry, Crafty, Manipulative, Flattering, Slanderous, Gossiping, Back Biting, Blaspheming, Foolish, Boasting, Murmuring, Complaining, Cursing, Contentious, Sensual, Vile, Talebearing, Whispering, Exaggerating, Etc.
Did or do you see yourself anywhere in those descriptions? I Did!
Your tongue is in a wet place and it can slip easily. There is no easier way to sin than by your mouth because you can say absolutely anything and your tongue can be used as a deadly weapon!
I guess that old saying rings true… If you don't have anything uplifting, encouraging, truthful, factual, inspiring, necessary, thoughtful, or kind to say then, be quiet. This is definitely a Self-Reflection moment for me.
How can your heart be evil and you speak good things? Out of the abundance of the heart the tongue speaks… For your words are a tattle tale ~ they tell on your heart!
Gossip kills three people: the one who speaks it, the one who listens, and the one about whom it is spoken. - Unknown
If you are struggling with gossip take your convictions to the Father and ask for help in this area.
Confession is the first step in dealing with sinful speech. This should be followed by repentance by pledging to turn away from opportunities to talk about others. A useful scripture to pray daily is Psalm 141:3: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Second, be on guard against temptation. Believers have a responsibility to set themselves apart from gossip in order to keep thoughts and words pleasing to God. Being in the presence of one who spreads stories can tempt even a believer to participate. In a situation where rumors are being shared, the best course of action is to speak out against the practice and then leave.
Finally, instead of talking about someone, it’s wise to pray for that person. Getting into this habit will help train the mind to replace sinful patterns with God-pleasing ways. The Bible teaches us to encourage and comfort each other, and prayer is a good way to obey that instruction.
A gossiping Christian dishonors God’s name and his own. Instead of using words that disparage and injure, choose to speak well of everyone. Inso doing, you’ll bring glory to the Lord.
With Love and Understanding,
The Robinson Family
Gossip kills the mind, body, and soul. It kills the heart, too. Especially a relationship. Gossip is deadly. It destroys trust between people and therefore kills friendships. If left alone it can cripple ministries and destroy good leaders.
Most of us know how much it hurts to be talked about behind our backs, the damage it can do to a community, and how much it grieves God, but so many still get caught up in it.
I am also guilty of getting caught up in gossip without even thinking it is gossip until the CONVICTION tugs at my heart strings later & because I still struggle with gossip… It was heavy on my heart to post about it when I heard a sermon about it this morning on KWave.
There are many descriptions for the tongue: Wicked, Deceitful, Lying, Perverse, Filthy, Corrupt, Bitter, Angry, Crafty, Manipulative, Flattering, Slanderous, Gossiping, Back Biting, Blaspheming, Foolish, Boasting, Murmuring, Complaining, Cursing, Contentious, Sensual, Vile, Talebearing, Whispering, Exaggerating, Etc.
Did or do you see yourself anywhere in those descriptions? I Did!
Your tongue is in a wet place and it can slip easily. There is no easier way to sin than by your mouth because you can say absolutely anything and your tongue can be used as a deadly weapon!
I guess that old saying rings true… If you don't have anything uplifting, encouraging, truthful, factual, inspiring, necessary, thoughtful, or kind to say then, be quiet. This is definitely a Self-Reflection moment for me.
How can your heart be evil and you speak good things? Out of the abundance of the heart the tongue speaks… For your words are a tattle tale ~ they tell on your heart!
Gossip kills three people: the one who speaks it, the one who listens, and the one about whom it is spoken. - Unknown
If you are struggling with gossip take your convictions to the Father and ask for help in this area.
Confession is the first step in dealing with sinful speech. This should be followed by repentance by pledging to turn away from opportunities to talk about others. A useful scripture to pray daily is Psalm 141:3: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Second, be on guard against temptation. Believers have a responsibility to set themselves apart from gossip in order to keep thoughts and words pleasing to God. Being in the presence of one who spreads stories can tempt even a believer to participate. In a situation where rumors are being shared, the best course of action is to speak out against the practice and then leave.
Finally, instead of talking about someone, it’s wise to pray for that person. Getting into this habit will help train the mind to replace sinful patterns with God-pleasing ways. The Bible teaches us to encourage and comfort each other, and prayer is a good way to obey that instruction.
A gossiping Christian dishonors God’s name and his own. Instead of using words that disparage and injure, choose to speak well of everyone. Inso doing, you’ll bring glory to the Lord.
With Love and Understanding,
The Robinson Family