I pray that God blesses London with true friendships of Godly influence. I also pray that God gives London the same discernment that He bestowed upon me to know who is for her and who is against her in life. But still have the courage and strength to be kind while loving and praying for them even if its from a distance.♡
After many failed relationships, I decided to stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Dealing with worldly guys who didn't deserve my time, I finally realized I needed to do things the right way... ♡1 Timothy 4:12♡ So, I made a "Pinky Promise" to my Heavenly Father and myself to "wait until marriage" and in that wait, God blessed me with a wonderful man that I married on, September 15, 2012. I trusted in God and never gave up on love. My heart never went empty or grew cold. When I focused on my relationship with God and stopped looking for love in all the wrong places... Love found me! ♡God Bless♡ I came across this blog and had to repost it on my blog to share with you all. I reached out to the author via e-mail and asked if I could share her testimony and she was more than happy to let me share her love story with the world. Her story really "HIT HOME" big time with me as I could totally relate! Her story truly melted my heart!!! She took the words right out of my mouth. Enjoy!♡ This story was originally published on KSL.com. It has been reprinted here with permission from the author. SALT LAKE CITY -- The night I met him, we stayed up all night just talking. We laughed so hard I was afraid I would wet my pants in front of him. He was 23 and I was 21. It was beyond natural being with this person who was in so many ways just like me, but different enough that I loved learning from him. It was instant that connection. The next time we were together I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Never did something seem so obvious to me than this: he was my soul mate. When I left the country for 18-months, I knew he’d be there when I returned. How could he not be? I had had too many experiences where it didn’t just feel right, it was obvious we were meant to be. Of course, he would be there when I got home. He wasn’t. Two months before I returned, he got married and my heart broke. Who would I marry? Was it possible to feel that strongly about someone again? Would I be settling for second place? Was that fair to whoever I did marry? Why would God do this to me? The opposite of my soul mate. When I returned home, I wasn’t looking for my husband and he wasn’t looking for me — but as it happens, we found each other anyway. Unbeknownst to either of us, we were in the same high school graduating class. I remember seeing him around the halls and thinking he was good looking. I even wrote in his year book, but I never got to know him. The first time Travis and I went out, he showed up in an ‘88 Mustang — a muscle car of all things. It fit perfectly with the tight shirt he was wearing. The shirt was stretched over bulging muscles that I was sure were his primary focus. His hair was spiked and he wore a Pukka shell necklace. We were both 23. He picked me up at my parents' house. On my way out the door I turned, made eye contact with brother and rolled my eyes. This would never work out. Travis didn’t talk much, which was fine since I wouldn’t have been able to hear him over the roar of his car. We went to dinner. He didn’t make very many comments, except to tell me that he’d never had a girl finish her food before he did. Yes, this was definitely not going anywhere. I excused myself to go to the restroom while he paid for dinner. When I came out he was gone. I went outside thinking he may be waiting for me out there. I noticed a homeless man asking people for money so he could eat. That’s when I saw Travis come outside. He didn’t notice me and must have thought I was still in the restroom. I saw that Travis had a bag of food he must have just purchased from the restaurant. He promptly walked up to the homeless man and gave it to him along with $20: “I thought you might be hungry," was all he said. He never knew I saw. On the way home, I made more of an effort. By the time he took me home, I knew I had judged this boy wrongly. It was me that had been lucky to go out with him, not the other way around. From then on, we were together. We never stayed up laughing all night. I never got butterflies when he kissed me or held my hand. He didn’t sweep me off my feet, and he wasn’t one to compliment me very much. But he was stalwart where it counted. He was pure and simple good. He did what was right because it was simply that — right. We just made sense together. It came time for us to either get married or part ways. I didn’t want another heartbreak or to waste my time on something if it wasn’t going anywhere. The only problem was, neither of us knew how to tell if it was right. Weren’t you supposed to feel butterflies? Or stay up laughing all night? Or have a booming voice from heaven, or get some kind of guarantee that this was your soul mate? Neither of us got any of those things. All I knew was that I was completely comfortable with Travis, that he was a good human being, that he loved God and tried to do what was right. Somehow I had fallen in love with this man who was the opposite of my soul mate and I perhaps the opposite of his. The best advice: It doesn't matterSometime after that, I received what could possibly be the best piece of advice I have ever been given. I asked a wise older man at our church, how to know if Travis and I were right for each other? He laughed. “You’re both very good people, with a strong belief in God," he said. "It’s your choice who you end up with and what kind of marriage you have.” It was so simple, but nothing had ever been so clear to me in that moment. That other boy from before and me, didn’t end up together not because God hadn’t wanted us to, not because there was someone better for me or him and maybe not even because it wasn't right. I was gone and a great girl came along and he chose her. It was that simple and that was OK. My life wasn’t over; my chance for true love was not gone. In that moment I realized something: It doesn't matter whether or not we think we've found our soul mate. A soul mate is whoever we choose it to be. Yes, in marriage there will be times when we want to throw in the towel regardless if you married your “soul mate” or not. All of us will have those times. For Travis and I, there have been entire years where we have drifted apart and didn’t know how to get back. Financial struggles, job loss, death of family members and depression are just a few of the things that have tugged at us throughout our marriage. They’ve probably tugged at you, too. When I got married, I, like you, didn't get a guarantee that our marriage would work out. Such guarantees don’t exist. What we did get, however, was a choice. I get to choose to be the wife I want to be. I get to choose whether to become closer or whether to drift apart when times are hard. I get to choose to have the marriage I want with the man I chose to marry. Lucky for me, the man I chose turned out to be an awesome choice, though I didn't fully realize it nine years ago. It took some hard times for us to become much closer. There will surely be more hard times for us and maybe even more times of wanting to throw in the towel, but I guarantee that there will be many more wonderful times like the ones we’ve already been privileged to enjoy together. We are lucky. The more I choose us, the more I realize something: I didn’t marry my soul mate, but that doesn't matter. He has become it. Kate Lee Kate is a wife, mother of three, and a writer. She has a BA in Communications. Growing up Kate used to entertain the neighborhood by telling stories about her family (mostly about her Mom). People always laughed and they couldn't believe the stories were true. I always got the same comment. "One day you need to write a book about your family." I finished that book and blog about finding the humor in everyday life. My goal is to help people laugh through life's moments of chunder. You can read more of Kate's writing on her blog. People Pleasing: You know those times when you know the right thing to do, but you get so worried about what people will think that you don’t do it? Yeah, we’ve all had those experiences. Think about it… Sometimes we purposely choose not to follow the right decisions in order to please the people around us. But at the end of the day, what does that do? Nothing. Pleasing the people around you will get you nowhere. Why? Because the people around you can’t give you what you truly really need in the first place. Only God can do that. 1. How many people have failed to pursue their dreams because they are too caught up in what people might think? 2. How many people have stopped just before crossing the finish line because they didn’t want people to be upset that they finished before them? 3. How many people have yet to follow their God-given calling because the opinions of others have them bound in chains? Do any of these describe you? The opinions of others can never compare to the truth of God and the reasoning behind this post is simple: TO CHALLENGE YOU TO IGNORE THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS, AND PURSUE WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO DO. Sure, some people might dislike your decisions. Some people might turn their backs on you. And frankly, some people might never understand the reasoning behind your motives. Psalm 118:6 - "The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" But at the end of the day, there is not one opinion that is great enough to outweigh the calling God has for your life. People will leave you. Money will leave you. Jobs will leave you. But guess what? God won’t. Pursue your God-given calling. Follow God's will for your life and allow God to guide you every step of the way. Pleasing people might get you some acceptance in this world, but it won’t get you acceptance into the only place that really matters... Heaven. 1 Peter 1:25 - "But the word of the Lord remains forever” and that word is the Good News that was preached to you. Don’t be a people pleaser. Be a purpose seeker. - Jarrid Wilson With Love, The Robinson Family When I surrendered my life to God I no longer had a desire to do the things I use to do when I was lost & trying to find my way in the world… I no longer desired to hang out and party at the club or stay out in the streets all night seeing what I could "get Into". I no longer desired to model half dressed & provocatively causing others to stumble and lust over me. I no longer desired to entertain guys who were into everything the world had to offer like fast money, the night life, recreational drugs, fast women, ego trips, power trips, fame, fast cars, sexual relations, etc. I no longer desired to hang around individuals who did not bring out the best in me but were bad influences in my life because their lifestyle & mindset were toxic. I no longer had a desire to curse when I was angry, fight when I got mad, and gossip or be around people who like to entertain it. I'm not saying that I felt or feel that I am perfect because clearly no human is, but I couldn't claim to be a New Creature In Christ yet still do and say the things that I did when I was out in the streets sinning without a Conscious. I was new in Christ and I didn't want any temptation to make me stumble and get me off course. Each day I have to "die to my flesh" and I have to pray for God to remove thoughts and things in me that are not pleasing to Him. It is a struggle but it gets easier the more I practice self-control and pray for help because I know I can't do it alone. I write this in love... This is my testimony and it was on my heart to write. I hope this message blessed someone. With Love, Amber Robinson “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” - I Thessalonians 5:11 God designed us to live in relationship with others. He wants us to help each other grow. None of us will reach our highest potential by ourselves. We need people in our lives to encourage us, and we need to encourage the people in our lives and help them reach their potential. The word “encourage” means to “urge forward.” Many times you can see things in other people that they don’t see themselves. You can see their strengths and talents. You can see that God has a special plan for them even though they may be going through a difficult time. Don’t assume that people see what you see in them. Take a moment and encourage them either with a kind word or a simple note. There might be a special gift you can give that will remind them of their goal or dream. In whatever way you can, urge the people in your life to keep moving forward. If you’ll be a people builder and help others fulfill their dreams, God will help you fulfill your dreams also, and you’ll live in blessing all the days of your life. With love, The Robinson Family Dear Beloved, You are worth so much more... Why would he/she "Buy the Cow when he/she can get the Milk for Free?!"… Please Respect yourself and know your true worth and pray for discernment so that God will reveal to you the man or woman that He has for you who is truly worthy of you and who will honor you and do any & everything in their power to show you just how precious you are and that you are more than "Just a roll in the hay" because he/you will "Put a Ring on it" & Bless you/her with his/your last name. Don't be in denial or dismiss the facts when you see the "Red Flags" and the "White Lies" emerging… When truth slaps you in the face take heed so you can avoid the regrets and heartache later. Take it from someone who did not know their worth and had many heartbreaks in life. "Sleeping with random people is like clicking on a random website link... You never know which one has the VIRUS!" - Rev. Tejado W. Hanchell With Love, The Robinson Family The most poisonous thing to a fellowship of believers… Gossip kills the mind, body, and soul. It kills the heart, too. Especially a relationship. Gossip is deadly. It destroys trust between people and therefore kills friendships. If left alone it can cripple ministries and destroy good leaders. Most of us know how much it hurts to be talked about behind our backs, the damage it can do to a community, and how much it grieves God, but so many still get caught up in it. I am also guilty of getting caught up in gossip without even thinking it is gossip until the CONVICTION tugs at my heart strings later & because I still struggle with gossip… It was heavy on my heart to post about it when I heard a sermon about it this morning on KWave. There are many descriptions for the tongue: Wicked, Deceitful, Lying, Perverse, Filthy, Corrupt, Bitter, Angry, Crafty, Manipulative, Flattering, Slanderous, Gossiping, Back Biting, Blaspheming, Foolish, Boasting, Murmuring, Complaining, Cursing, Contentious, Sensual, Vile, Talebearing, Whispering, Exaggerating, Etc. Did or do you see yourself anywhere in those descriptions? I Did! Your tongue is in a wet place and it can slip easily. There is no easier way to sin than by your mouth because you can say absolutely anything and your tongue can be used as a deadly weapon! I guess that old saying rings true… If you don't have anything uplifting, encouraging, truthful, factual, inspiring, necessary, thoughtful, or kind to say then, be quiet. This is definitely a Self-Reflection moment for me. How can your heart be evil and you speak good things? Out of the abundance of the heart the tongue speaks… For your words are a tattle tale ~ they tell on your heart! Gossip kills three people: the one who speaks it, the one who listens, and the one about whom it is spoken. - Unknown If you are struggling with gossip take your convictions to the Father and ask for help in this area. Confession is the first step in dealing with sinful speech. This should be followed by repentance by pledging to turn away from opportunities to talk about others. A useful scripture to pray daily is Psalm 141:3: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Second, be on guard against temptation. Believers have a responsibility to set themselves apart from gossip in order to keep thoughts and words pleasing to God. Being in the presence of one who spreads stories can tempt even a believer to participate. In a situation where rumors are being shared, the best course of action is to speak out against the practice and then leave. Finally, instead of talking about someone, it’s wise to pray for that person. Getting into this habit will help train the mind to replace sinful patterns with God-pleasing ways. The Bible teaches us to encourage and comfort each other, and prayer is a good way to obey that instruction. A gossiping Christian dishonors God’s name and his own. Instead of using words that disparage and injure, choose to speak well of everyone. Inso doing, you’ll bring glory to the Lord. With Love and Understanding, The Robinson Family On April 8, 2010, my life changed forever... Hit head on by a Suburban which was 3 times the size of my Honda Civic, the SUV ran a red light as I was making a left on a green arrow. My car spun out of control and as I was spinning uncontrollably my head hit the steering wheel and I blacked out, I don't know for how long but when I awoke my car hood was on fire and the engine was smoking and no one would come near me to help because my car was rapidly leaking fluids and they didn't know if the car was going to explode or not but... by the GRACE OF GOD I made it out alive! When death knocks at your door even when you invited it you may quickly have a change of heart and decide you want to live! When God blesses you with a second chance you learn to take life more seriously and make the best of every moment. If it wasn't for this accident I wouldn't be who I am today! God has a way of humbling you and drawing you closer to him when your life is spiraling out of control. I should have been dead, even the police were amazed that I walked away with only a head contusion, swollen ankle, and a few bruises. I still have back pains here and there on my left side where I was hit the hardest but it is only a reminder of how blessed I am to be alive! From that day forward I promised myself that I would not take His mercy for granted any longer. I made a decision to start living my life for Him and Him only. I detached myself from bad influences, anything or anyone who would pull me away from His presence in order to focus solely on Him. That was the best decision I ever made in my life! I won't say that it was a breeze from that point on but the journey was worth while as I am still walking in His will for my life and holding on to Him and His promises as I belong to Him forever. God is good and merciful! God is faithful and He loves you even when you don't love or respect yourself. Invite Him into your heart today, He heals deep wounds, and can turn your mess into a blessing, and He can make you see the silver lining in any situation no matter how cloudy it may seem. Keep your focus on Him and Him only. Drown out the negative in this world and when you feel like you are drowning and you can't hear His voice... Shut out the world and bury yourself in His Word and hold tight to His promises. With Love, Amber Robinson "Nothing is better than spending time with a loved one -- chatting, laughing, listening, crying, sharing, praying . . . together -- simply enjoying each other. The One who loves you dearly is near, waiting just to be with you. He created you, knows you, and wants the very best for you. Hear His voice. And share your praise and petitions, ideas, emotions, struggles, desires, dreams -- yourself -- with Him." -- A Little GOD Time, Belle City Gifts™ Having a devotional journal has been the best way for us to spend time with God and reflect on His word, along with having daily conversations with God through prayer. We hope that you are blessed through our posts and testimonies as we give God all the glory. With Love, The Robinson Family |
A Little GOD TimeWe know as a God fearing family that if our Abba is not the center of our marriage and family it will fail. ArchivesCategories |